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June 02, 2008


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Not sure its for me but nice work anyway

Blog master

It is great to see a design method that is so open and creative, only good things can come from it.

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I came across your blog via google when I was looking for a way to cover a corkboard with fabric. Thank you SO much for the step by step instructions. I am in love with my "new" bulletin board and will be sure to do this fun and easy craft again. I tried to do the buttons as well on my push pins, but to no avail, they didn't work. Do you have some advice for those? Maybe I didn't use enough glue? Maybe I should have used thumb tacks in lieu of push pins? I would love your advice!

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Just working through some notes on ethics and social networks and I thought I'd share the following paragraph that I've been working on - because it seems counter-intuitive at first.

There is a growing consensus that comments posted in social networks are not ‘in the public domain’ and that researchers should seek permission to use them. Researchers should also remember that because the internet is so readily searchable, they should avoid using literal quotes from social network discussions (in most cases) as this will potentially reveal who the respondent is.

In many codes of ethics and in a growing number of laws, the intention/expectation of the person making a post is important in determining what can be done with that post. In terms of privacy there are two issues. The first is that if a researcher has to join a network to see the post, then the person making the post is doing so in the expectation that they are talking to genuine members of the community, not to professional researchers or journalists. The second that is when somebody makes, say, 200 posts in their status bar over the course of a year, they did not have the expectation that all their quotes would be brought back together as a single corpus for investigation.

Account Deleted

This is really nice article.. thank you for giving the idea about this..
i like the furniture design you provided...


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Wow! Very innovative and unique! Never seen anything like it. Don't even know what to make of it, or how to properly describe it :-)

This technology is sure to turn a few heads, and become a booming industry. The possibilities are endless.

So my question is, the furniture is actually real??? If so, then this is even more amazing than I had previously thought. The way the chair was coming out of the white goo in the end of the vid was so cool!

Congratulations, and good luck with future endeavors!

Smart Brains

Any application of rapid prototyping is just cool. And it will be even better when rapid prototyping becomes instant production. Of course I'd rather pay $10 to some CAD-kiddie from Des Moines for the next design of my coffee table, but this is still fun.
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"No difference in the past, non-attachment the future, do not play on the now. Anju now, and happy to live the moment", which Buddhist Feeling deep sentence, which fell heart, the mind immediately let me have far-reaching everywhere cool.

Jordans 5

"No difference in the past, non-attachment the future, do not play on the now. Anju now, and happy to live the moment", which Buddhist Feeling deep sentence, which fell heart, the mind immediately let me have far-reaching everywhere cool.

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Well don't know whats going on but its not a Good way to do this. in my opinion we have to look again about this issue

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Loving this book.

Also, I found your blog. Feel in love. And now I realize that you are in SPRINGFIELD MO!! Thats just an hour away. I can't wait to stop in your shop and see it for reals.

Also, I am super excited for style school. I am going to tear up a giant pile of magazines that are just waiting to be destroyed for my style-binder!! ;-)

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This is result of 3D technologies in 21th century.

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Some very cool furniture and art all in one. Very unique to say the least.

Account Deleted

I am really interested in what you wrote here. This looks absolutely perfect. All these tinny details are made with lot of background knowledge.

Kevin Harris

I'm exploring the net for some furnitue design and design caught my attention. Really fantastic and unique! Keep it up!


Memorex is considered bad because you don't know what you are getting...they use CMC Magnetics to manufacture their discs along with countless other good and bad disc manufacturers, so the problem is when you buy a spindle of discs you don't know what you are getting until you've already made the purchase. CMC Magnetics also makes discs for imation and countless other brands, but are considered to be the cheapest, and lowest quality dye manufacturer in the industry. If you are lucky and get a good initial copy with those CMC discs, you are just that...lucky. As soon as six months down the road you may see deterioration in the dye, until eventually, the copy will be rendered useless.Here is a nifty tool that tells you who made the discs you are using, it's a free prog and you can get it here: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/dvd_id...As suggested by johnl123, you should also check to see that your firmware is up to date. If your firmware is not current it may not be able to handle those 16X verbs, and thus be the source of your problem. Here is another free tool for determining the firmware version of your drive: http://flashman.rpc1.org/ about half way down the page it says what's my firmware?...that is the one you need. After finding out your firmware version you can go here to see if it is current and download the upgrade: http://forum.rpc1.org/portal.phpThese are very simple suggestions and easy fixes, but can make all the difference when backing up movies.

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Thanks for the information! Maybe I didn't use enough glue? Maybe I should have used thumb tacks in lieu of push pins? I would love your advice!

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Thanks for the sharing, looks so great. The light is beautiful and shining, want to have one in my home.


Pienso que no sois derecho. Lo invito a discutir.

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Wow! Very innovative and unique! Never seen anything like it. Don't even know what to make of it, or how to properly describe it :-)

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hello, i would like to read more information about this topic because i think that is very interesting.


Ganz richtig! Die Idee gut, ist mit Ihnen einverstanden.


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Desidero incoraggiarvi a visitare il sito, dove ci sono molti articoli sul tema che vi interessa.


Se si dice che sono sulla strada sbagliata.

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